Monday, July 30, 2012

Homemade Natural Flax Seed Hair Gel

All Natural Flax Seed Hair Gel Recipe

In keeping with the need to use as many natural products on my natural curls as possible, I'd like to share the recipe for a natural Flax Hair Gel. I love the firm hold that comes from this gel.  It's firm, yet softens hair nicely while also adding shine.  I absolutely love it.  In fact, I love it so much and I'm trying to to find a way to thicken it to a more stable gel consistency like that of a thick aloe vera gel or any hair gel you'd find at your local drug or beauty supply store. 

So I decided to try something different one time when I made my Flax Hair Gel.  I decided to add pectin to the mix.  Guess what? It didnt' work!  I thought I'd get something close to a Jello-like consistency upon completion.  Nope.  Not a chance.  I just got a gloopy mess of I don't even know what!!!  Has anyone out there tried to make a thicker flax hair gel?  If you feel like sharing, please do! I'd love to hear how things turned out or if you had any success with this.

In the meantime, here's a basic recipe for All Natural Flax Seed Hair Gel:

Ingredients and Materials Required

Distilled Water (2 Cups)
Flax Seeds (1/4 Cup) (I use organic flax seeds)
Stocking (knee-high)
Wooden Spoon for stirring
Tongs (or a utensil to extract the gel from the stocking)
Container or jar with a lid (sterilized)
Essential Oils for natural fragrance and healing properties (optional)


Just two simple ingredients.
Oxygenated distilled water.